Sunday, December 25, 2011

Schwinn 230 Recumbent Exercise Bike

!±8±Schwinn 230 Recumbent Exercise Bike

Brand : Schwinn
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 22:08:39

The Schwinn 230 Recumbent Bike has a walk-through design and scores of innovative features. It offers a full complement of workout programs including 1 Manual, 6 Profile, Calorie Goal, BMI Measurement, Recovery Test, Results Mode, and Quick Start. The recumbent Bio-Fit Comfort wide seat includes a dual position lumbar support seat back and side bolsters.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Bike Riding For Exercise - How Effective is It?

!±8± Bike Riding For Exercise - How Effective is It?

Bike riding for exercise is one effective way of staying fit and toned and building physical endurance. In biking, almost all parts of the body are exercised, from the legs to the thighs to the abdomen and even the arms. Cycling, though, is more recommended to people who wish to strengthen the lower part of their body since the upper half does not get as much activity as the lower part when it comes to riding a bike.

Exercise for busy people

Although riding road bikes along various terrain might be a lot more fun than cycling indoors, some people just don't have the time to venture outdoors and work on their fitness. For these busy individuals, there is the option of indoor biking. Exercise bikes for use inside the home or in gyms are readily available and serve the same function as road bikes. They can use either the recumbent or the upright type and choose from various brands like ProForm, Nautilus, Schwinn and Life Fitness.

How biking works the muscles

Cycling, even indoors, allows a person to strengthen his or her legs, thighs and glutes. It is an effective cardiovascular activity and can help tone the muscles and keep a person fit. Pedaling strengthens the legs and helps make the inner thighs firm. It also helps accelerate metabolism, increase heart rate and helps burn calories. A person can lose weight, become stronger and keep fit with a proper cycling program.

Equipment for the activity

For people who prefer a more strenuous exercise program, an upright exercise bike machine would be ideal. It is much the same as a road bike where the rider would be required to use the pedals in a vertical, albeit stationary, position. For individuals new to exercising, or those who suffer from back pains and injuries, the recumbent is the more preferred type of exercise equipment. A recumbent bike puts the rider in a more horizontal position, with a backrest to protect his back and the feet out in front for pedaling.

Modern features

To compensate for the lack of outdoor views and varying terrain, some manufacturers of indoor exercise bikes have incorporated virtual programs into their products wherein the rider can enter a virtual setting simulating an outdoor experience. Adjustable resistance features and pre-programmed add-ons also allow the rider to simulate uphill or downhill terrains, allowing him or her to vary the exercise program and move various muscles.

People interested in bike riding for exercise need to be careful before starting a cycling regimen. A consultation with a physical fitness expert on what type of program is the most appropriate and what equipment to use is the first step that should be taken by those who like cycling exercises. Just like outdoor biking, indoor cycling can also cause injuries and pains if the program is not done right and the activity is not guided or sanctioned by a physical fitness expert.

Bike Riding For Exercise - How Effective is It?

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Recumbent Or Upright Exercise Bike - Which Is Better?

!±8± Recumbent Or Upright Exercise Bike - Which Is Better?

Working out on an exercise bike is a great way to lose weight, strengthen your legs, and get more energy throughout your body. But choosing between a recumbent or upright exercise bike can bring up some questions that need to be answered.

These questions will be addressed in this article, and by the time you're done you should know whether a recumbent or upright exercise bike is right for you.

One thing to take note of is the fact that an upright exercise bike is a more "natural" pedaling motion than the recumbent. It's good for those people with no lower back problems due to the way you have to sit on it. However, it's hard to sit on for a long time unless you buy a high quality bike. Upright bikes are notorious for making your butt hurt after prolonged periods due to low quality seats.

If you have back problems, I highly suggest trying out a recumbent exercise bike first. The way you lean back helps support your lower back so you don't have any pain while exercising - which is always a good thing!

One feature that's different between the 2 bikes is that the upright bike uses more muscles than the recumbent. Due to the position you're in while sitting on the bike, you're going to use more support muscles to keep good posture while simultaneously pedaling and getting a great leg workout.

However, I'm not saying that you won't get an incredible workout on a recumbent bike, because you will. This is only a slight difference - one you probably won't ever notice.

But one advantage of the upright bike is that you are able to stand up and get your butt off the chair - allowing you to pedal harder and faster. This simulates going up a hill and can give you a much more intense workout.

In the category of comfort, the award definitely goes to the recumbent bike. If comfort is a major reason for purchasing a recumbent or upright exercise bike, go with the recumbent bike. You can find a recumbent exercise bike review by simply typing "recumbent exercise bike review" in a search engine. This will show you the reasons people like recumbent exercise bikes over upright bikes.

The reason they are more comfortable is because upright because simply have a small seat to sit on and no back support. In a recumbent bike, you can lean back against a back support similar to a desk chair. The seat itself is also much wider, allowing for a very comfortable seat.

However, with this added comfort comes a price increase. On average, recumbent bike prices are slightly higher than upright bike prices. You need to ask yourself how much higher of a price you're willing to pay. To me, comfort is very important - but to others it might not matter as much.

Schwinn exercise bikes seem to have great prices, whether it's a recumbent or upright exercise bike. Just remember that a lower quality recumbent bike is probably just as comfortable as a high quality upright bike.

For both of the bikes, the more features it comes with the higher the price will be. Very basic models are only about 0 while models with dozens of different features can get as high as ,000. For the beginner, 0 is a great price that can give you a wonderful bike you'll use for years to come.

No matter which one you get, the recumbent or upright exercise bike is a great piece of exercise equipment to have. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but in my opinion the recumbent exercise bike is better for the majority of people. As I mentioned earlier, I believe Schwinn exercise bikes are one of the best brands and you can find recumbent exercise bike reviews online very easily - so make sure you do it!

Recumbent Or Upright Exercise Bike - Which Is Better?

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Recumbent Exercise Bike - Review of Recumbent Bike Benefits

!±8± Recumbent Exercise Bike - Review of Recumbent Bike Benefits

A recumbent exercise bike offers benefits that make it one of the best choices you could make when you go to the gym or are looking for a great piece of exercise equipment to to stay in shape at home. The stationary recumbent bike is exercise equipment that  can revitalize your workout while ensuring that you are safe and comfortable as you are toning muscles and losing weight. In this review you will find many benefits come with the unique ergonomic design of this exercise equipment.


A recumbent exercise bike's primary feature is its seat. The seat is set low and tipped back slightly and while they are not immediately apparent, there are many benefits to this design. A padded bucket style seat offers full support for your bottom along with a seat back that supports the back while riding . Essentially, there are a variety of positions that the recumbent bike can take, from a setting that is nearly upright to one that is nearly fully reclined. With an stationary recumbent bike, you'll find that you are able to adjust the seat to a position that is perfect for your size. Compare this to a standard upright bike where, it is one size fits all and, you are forced to remain in the same upright position for the duration of your workout!


One major benefit that the recumbent exercise bike has over other types of exercise equipment is the full workout it provides combined with the ergonomic positions it offers. The motion of the bike can make for an intense workout, but the position of the seat and the extension of your legs allows you to get that workout by remaining in a natural, comfortable position. This is also a machine that requires little to no preparation to use. The design is quite intuitive and once you have seated yourself, you'll find that the pedaling motion comes naturally.

Physical Benefits

Though there are several cardiovascular and weight loss benefits associated with the recumbent exercise bike, you will find that another of the top benefits of this piece of exercise equipment is the relief it allows your joints, back and neck. Essentially, staying in the same position on an upright stationary exercise bike can be quite stressful; some people can no longer use standard exercise bikes because of the posture that is necessary. With a recumbent exercise bike, however, the body is not required to be held painfully, stressfully upright

Cardio/Aerobic Benefits

All of the cardiovascular benefits you get from a standard stationary exercise bike you also receive with the recumbent exercise bike. All of the activity of the recumbent exercise bike is in your hands; you can set the difficulty or grade of the "ride" and be off. When you pedal, you'll be exercising the lower portion of your body and ensuring that you get your heart rate up. The motion and intensity of this exercise is entirely dependent on what you want to put into it and the model you choose.

Weight loss

It goes without saying that recumbent exercise bikes can help you with weight loss, but this type of device can help you concentrate on losing weight in the right area. The legs, thighs and abdomen are all engaged when you use this exercise equipment, thus targeting the problem areas. When you use the recumbent exercise bike, you can be sure that you are working with the parts of your body that need constant maintenance.

Once you try a stationary recumbent exercise bike, you will never feel the need to go back to an upright standard exercise bike. On a recumbent exercise bike, you can get a great workout and ride to health in total comfort!

Recumbent Exercise Bike - Review of Recumbent Bike Benefits

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ab Exercise Belts - Do They Work?

!±8± Ab Exercise Belts - Do They Work?

You have seen them on TV, seen them on the internet, you've heard all the commercials and claims. Electronic ab stimulators work by providing electrical impulses to the muscles in your core. They can help you melt away the fat, even while you are at rest. The question is; do they really work? The most direct and honest answer is no.

There are two types of ab exercise belts available. The original version is basically a black, usually rubber belt that looks something like a weightlifting belt used to support your back when working out. These belts are meant to be worn either while you are working out or at rest. The main idea behind these belts is the fact that they heat up your core, by making you sweat more than you would without the use of the belt. This truly is the only use for this type of belt. It will indeed make you sweat, but it will not help to develop muscle nor will it burn fat from your midsection.

The second type is the more modern style, for which we see constant advertisements on the TV and internet. These belts also provide an electrical stimulation to the core muscles in the abdomen. Manufacturers claim that these electrical impulses provide fat burning activity to the abdominal muscles, thus developing them and burning fat nearly simultaneously. These claims have are not made with any medical research to support them. The simple fact is, people think they work because they "feel it." You can certainly feel the electrical impulses, feel them tingle and stimulate the muscles; but this is a very low intensity stimulation at best.

To help you understand all the hype and why some people insist that these items perform "miracles," you need to know a bit of history and medical background as it relates to electronic muscle stimulation. This technology was originally developed and is still used today in the medical field to ensure that muscles which are unable to be used for a period of time or have been otherwise adversely affected do not develop atrophy. For example, if you were bed ridden for an extended period of time and did not use certain muscles, they would begin to "waste away." A regime of physical therapy (PT) and electrical impulse therapy may be prescribed to ensure future muscle use.

Further misconceptions around the use of an ab exercise belt are promulgated by the myth of "spot reduction." This is the myth that you can burn fat in a specific area of your body. For example, you want to develop great abs, but you are 50 pounds overweight. So you do nothing but abdominal exercises and use an ab exercise belt to reduce the size of your midsection. Without proper diet and exercise for the entire body as well as your abs, you will not lose any weight or waist size. As a matter of fact your waist size may increase! This is because your body is not designed to spot reduce the fat that is built up in your midsection and you are doing nothing other than ab exercises. So these exercises are likely developing muscle, but the muscle is building under the layers of fat; thus you appear and feel fatter.

The bottom line regarding ab exercise belts is, don't waste your money! The best way to lose weight in your stomach and build your core is to follow a diet and exercise routine. Once you have begun this regime, you can further focus your exercises to those which are designed to safely develop a six pack anyone would be proud to show off at the beach!

Ab Exercise Belts - Do They Work?

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

What is a Good Recumbent Exercise Bike?

!±8± What is a Good Recumbent Exercise Bike?

Recumbent exercise bikes are comfortable and easy to ride. There are many exercise gimmicks that are really a waste of money. A quality exercise bike is a proven way to exercise at home and get fit. A recumbent exercise bike is the choice of many for several reasons. How do you decide what is a good recumbent exercise bike?

How much?

First consider how much you want to spend. Moderate priced bikes offer the best value. Really inexpensive bikes are usually a poor choice. Why? Cheap bikes are often too light and quality of construction is poor. A poorly constructed bike will start to move around as you ride it and over time will loosen up. The bike will then tear itself apart as you ride it. Schwinn is a brand that offers many moderately priced bikes that offer quality construction.


Electronics on exercise bicycles make for a fun workout. If you want built-in workout programs, choose the bike that includes the programs you like. Boredom stops many exercise bike riders. A recumbent exercise bike with many workout options may be a good buy.

The Schwinn model 230 has a silent drive with 16 levels of resistance plus 6 preset programs and 10 profile sources.

The drive.

Get a magnetic drive that lets you vary resistance with the drive. That way you'll pedal along in nearly complete silence. Then you can read or watch videos while you pedal. Fight boredom with a quiet ride.

Get a popular model.

If you choose a bike that's made in large quantities, you can read on the Internet what bike owners have to say. That way you'll have a better chance of finding out the good and bad of what you buy. Pick a moderately priced model that has the blend of features and price that most closely matches your needs.

What is a good recumbent exercise bike depends on your goals. Based on my experience as a twenty plus year owner of a Schwinn exercise bike, I think you should consider a moderately priced Schwinn as your machine. These bikes offer a great balance between price, quality and features.

What is a Good Recumbent Exercise Bike?

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Schwinn 240 Recumbent Exercise Bike

!±8± Schwinn 240 Recumbent Exercise Bike

Brand : Schwinn | Rate : | Price : $395.00
Post Date : Dec 01, 2011 08:43:25 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Recumbent exercise bike for the home with 16 resistance levels and 20-Pound flywheel
  • 17 Workout programs, including 8 course profiles, target heart rate, 2 user profiles with custom workouts
  • Telemetry-enabled, integrated grip heart rate system for easy fitness monitoring
  • Seating system with padded ergonomic seat and dual-position lumbar support
  • 300-Pound maximum user weight, 5-year warranty on frame, 1 year on parts and electronics

More Specification..!!

Schwinn 240 Recumbent Exercise Bike

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Schwinn 240 Recumbent Exercise Bike - Ease and Comfort Make a Huge Difference

!±8± Schwinn 240 Recumbent Exercise Bike - Ease and Comfort Make a Huge Difference

The latest model to the Schwinn recumbent exercise bike line is the Schwinn 240 recumbent bike, which adds several features that raises the comfort level of the bike. With some additional features, the whole workout you receive with this new model is nice, while keeping the benefits of the ergonomic design in tact. This way, you won't have as many excuses to use to put off exercising!

Being able to read the LCD screen with ease is one example. It is totally annoying to have to always have to strain, even having to slow down at times, to read the data on the screen. Most people want to keep track of their heart rate and how much more time before the can stop no matter which of the 17 built-in programs you are using. You can do this when the LCD screen can easily be seen. With a multicolored screen, that is also back lit, it is much easier to see the important data that the Schwinn Bio-Connect Feedback system is providing. You realize how far technology has come as it was not that long ago no exercise bike even had an LCD screen.

Nothing is more significant than the comfortable seating, and this recumbent bike has a nice, large cushioned seat. All the benefits of an exercise program can be lost if you are not comfortable and your seat hurts. The Schwinn 240 recumbent bike features the famous Scwhinn Bio-Fit Comfort with padded ergonomic adjustable seat, and the back support also move to two different positions giving you the best support and comfort tied into one machine.

For many people it is the extra added accessories affect the use of a piece of exercise equipment. One of these features on the Schwinn 240 is a convenient reading rack that is large enough for a book or magazine. You would think a water bottle holder would be standard, as keeping hydrated while exercising is important. Not to worry, this model includes a water bottle holder! Although less important for a home piece of equipment than in a gym, the storage basket underneath the seat give you a handy place for your towel. For many the best accessory they like will be the wheels, so the bike can be stored in an out of the way place, but then easily brought out to use.

Schwinn likes to say they combine value and versatility and that is the case with all the Bio-Dyne performance features that really make this popular exercise bike comfortable and simple to use.

It is never too late to get yourself in better shape and get your youthful energy back with a Schwinn 240 recumbent exercise bike.

Schwinn 240 Recumbent Exercise Bike - Ease and Comfort Make a Huge Difference

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Recumbent Exercise Bikes

!±8± Recumbent Exercise Bikes

Most people might think of upright exercise bikes when they decide to buy a stationary bike for home use, but recumbent exercise bikes might be a better fit for some people. Either way, they are definitely a type of bike that is worth investigating and learning about. Recumbent exercise bikes are not like upright bikes because the rider is in a reclined position with the pedals level with the hips. You don't ride this type of bicycle with your arms stretched in front of you, rather, you hold the handlebars at the side of the seat.

The advantage of the recumbent style of bike is that it is more comfortable for many riders. Riders who are new to exercise or suffer from back pain will probably find the recumbent exercise bikes far more appealing. There doesn't appear to be any huge differences between upright and recumbent models when it comes to fitness, though some professionals warn that the recumbent exercise bikes provide a less intense workout. When you ride an upright bike, you are using more of your body and affecting more muscles. Some people might consider this a fair trade, especially if they do have an overriding concern of physical pain.

The two different types of bikes are similar in price. They also come with similar features, including speedometers, odometers, heart monitors, and various levels of resistance. Due to the similarities between the models of exercise bikes, what it comes down to is the rider's overall comfort and how much intensity the rider is willing to lose in favor of comfort.

Recumbent Exercise Bikes

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Incline Weight Benches

!±8± Incline Weight Benches

Inclined weight benches are a bit more expensive and versatile than the standard flat weight benches. Most incline weight benches are adjustable. You can even add attachments to some incline weight benches, which will allow you to do things like leg presses and leg lifts. Incline weight benches are also good for dumbbell use. Not everybody has the room or the money for a full weight set, though dumbbells can be quite effective for muscle tone as well as strength training exercises.

Incline weight benches are designed with a more narrow seat and a broader back to increase the comfort of the bench. The incline benches generally are adjustable in two different directions, making the bench shorter or taller as necessary, as well as moving horizontally, thus turning it into a flat weight bench. Incline weight benches are also ideal for home gyms because they are easy to store. They can be placed in the corner or against the wall like a regular chair. Given the facts that they are easy to store, easy to use, easy to adjust, and versatile when it comes to possible exercises, an incline weight benches is clearly a good investment for anybody who wishes to create their own gym, or just have a well stocked, versatile exercise room.

Inclined benches might also provide a more comfortable exercise experience for people who are interested in weight training. Comfort is actually a very important aspect of exercising, because if you are in an uncomfortable position, you might not want to exercise. Also, discomfort can be a sign that there might be something wrong, which could lead to injury.

Incline Weight Benches

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Schwinn 431 Elliptical Trainer - Don't Mistake This for Commercial Equipment

!±8± Schwinn 431 Elliptical Trainer - Don't Mistake This for Commercial Equipment

Schwinn 431 Elliptical Trainer - It's Not Your Commercial Type Equipment

You're not going to jump on the Schwinn 431 Model and mistake it for a commercial elliptical trainer found at your local health spa. However, if you know that then this elliptical trainer could be right for you and your exercise program.

What You Should Know About this Elliptical Trainer

It has bidirectional pedaling meaning you can pedal both backward and forward. Why? Because this allows you to work on specific muscle groups.

More important features are:

• 59 inches in length, 26 inches in width and 68 inches in height.

• It has a 25 pound steel flywheel, which adds to a smoother feeling.

• A computer controlled drive format.

• 19 diverse Workout Programs

• 3 speed adjustable fan.

Take This in Stride but Watch Your Head

When considering purchasing an elliptical trainer does the machine stride length matter? Because if you are too tall or too short you could face a problem. The 431 Model comes with an 18" stride which is something to consider when buying. So if your height is in the 5 feet to 6 feet range you will be okay. If you are much shorter or taller then you should consider a model with a higher or lower stride length depending on your case. Also, make sure that you have enough ceiling clearance for your elliptical trainer. The manufacturer suggests a little math work here. For example, the Trainer has a 17 inch footplate. Thus you take this number add to your height and also add seven more inches. The resultant number needs to be your ceiling height clearance for locating your elliptical trainer.

Benefits of a 431 Trainer Workout

The Trainer has 19 Workout Programs including your calorie goal, 3 setting for heart rate control, a personal fitness test and 10 type profile settings. You get feedback display for your pulse and calorie information. The Bio Connect computer will allow the users to input material and track the results for each workout. It only makes sense to know how your efforts are working for you and this feature makes it easy for you.

Warranties for Your Comfort

Everyone wants to know that if they are going to make a money and time investment there is some safety feature in the event of a product breakdown. This Model offers a 15 year warranty on the frame, 1 year on the electronics, 2 years on parts and 90 days on labor. Great but...

Have Other Owners Had Any Problems?

You always want to know what prior owners of the Schwinn 431 think right? The results have been high ratings for this product on sites such as Some lower ratings involved assembly problems or noises developing afterward with use. When this type of problem occurred some users located the problem and it only required minor mechanical adjustment. The machine was determined to be high quality and owners would recommend it to a friend.

Schwinn 431 Elliptical Trainer - Don't Mistake This for Commercial Equipment

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lower Back Exercise

!±8± Lower Back Exercise

The number one problem in the United States among men and women is obesity. Because of the advent of new technologies and innovation, people there become lazy not totally because they want to but because of their awareness of ease and comfort that could be provided by certain device, mechanisms, equipments and others.

The more they get comfortable with theses helpers, the bigger they become because there is no active lifestyle happening within their lives. Instead of going to the ball park and play basketball, they stay at home and play NBA 2k11 on their XBOX 360. Instead of walking their way to work on a busy street, they ride. Even walking on campus is also replaced by riding on Segways. As you can see, technology is spoiling mankind, this results to them becoming lazy and inactive. And if you are inactive, you would store fats and you would become obese.

However, this doesn't mean that we would urge you not to use technology, oh no. technology is our biggest helper and we could not live without it. But what we would suggest that you should do is to do exercise in your free time. It doesn't have to be complicated and stuff. Just a few repeated movements in the comfort of your home are enough. You don't always have to go to the gym, you could always do exercise at home and an example of that exercise is the lower back exercise. There are different types of exercise or methods of doing it available. The thing is; you should know which type of exercise would suit that certain body part that you are toning down or building up. Knowing this would lead you to much more productive exercise sessions because of much more effective methods of exercising.

For lower back exercises, there are plenty of methods to choose from, all of them have their own efficiency and specific body parts that they work well with. Here is some of the most common exercise for your lower back:

1. Hip rolling

2. Knee to chest

3. Pelvic lift

4. Hamstring stretch

5. Pelvic tilt

6. Press up

7. Arm lifts

8. Leg lift

9. Chair stretch

10. Side stretch

It is very important for a person to exercise his lower back. This is where you get support to your whole body. This significantly strengthens your lower back so you wouldn't have troubles with it. These exercises are pretty much difficult at first. Don't worry if you can't play anything good at first because this is normal. Every musician went through this stage only if their parents would allow it or parents would be the reason behind it. There are simply two sides to the story. Anyway, these different lower back exercises not only build muscles, it also helps you lose weight. It strengthens your lower back and you would eventually move on much larger weights if you want to continue or if you want your body to be much bigger.

Lower Back Exercise

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Abdominal Exercise Equipment - 5 Tips For Choosing the Best Ab Machine

!±8± Abdominal Exercise Equipment - 5 Tips For Choosing the Best Ab Machine

It seems everywhere you look every television show and every movie you watch has some Hollywood celebrity showing off their six pack abs. What is the big deal with having your belly ripped to the bone? There are many different abdominal exercise machines available on the market. It seems nobody is doing plain old situps anymore.

One of the key concepts that a good tummy exercise machine would use is isometrics. You see the stomach muscles are just like any other muscle. If you use "progressive resistance" all you will succeed in doing is increasing the size of the abdominal muscle. In other words, you will make your stomach bigger. That may not be attractive whether your waist is big from fat deposits or from muscle, the idea is to have a lean flat stomach and a smaller waist. That applies whether you're a man or a woman in my opinion.

What Is the Best Abdominal Exercise Equipment?

Here are 5 tips to help you in choosing the best abs exerciser:

1. Six Pack Abs Diet - It's almost impossible to reduce the size of your stomach and have sixpack abs without following a low carbohydrate meal plan. So make sure that the exercise products you choose includes a nutrition program to help you achieve your goal.

2. Quality Product - Some ab exercisers are very cheaply made so make sure that they provide you a warranty that last at least one year.

3. Maximum Results - Isometric exercise is one of the best ways to perform abs training. Make sure that the sixpack ab exerciser you choose offers isometric training as part of its workout protocol.

4. Inexpensive - there are some very expensive ab exercises on the market today. However, you can find a good quality abdominal exerciser for under a dollars.

5. Variety of Training - some ab exercisers will only allow you to one or two exercises unfortunately, you will quickly become bored with this type of training program. Make sure the exercise you choose offers you a variety of exercises that target the entire stomach that just the middle portion. You want to be able to exercise the upper, middle, lower and the side obliques (your love handles.)

Whatever you decide choosing the best abdominal exercise equipment is just a matter of doing some research

Abdominal Exercise Equipment - 5 Tips For Choosing the Best Ab Machine

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Monday, November 7, 2011

A Vibration Plate Exercise Machine Is the Best Fitness Equipment I Ever Bought

!±8± A Vibration Plate Exercise Machine Is the Best Fitness Equipment I Ever Bought

My vibration plate exercise and massage machine which I bought two years ago is the best piece of fitness equipment I have ever had. My interest in these machines was piqued when I read that Madonna used one to keep in shape. We are the same age and so I started some research on the machines. I read that something similar had been used to help astronauts, before a space mission and after returning to earth, maintain and regain their muscle tone, bone density and fitness. These factors are all compromised when living in a weightless environment. I read reviews from satisfied customers and watched numerous videos from happy users. I checked out the prices. There were some great sales and reductions to be found and - yes I could afford one. I got my machine and it really was the best money I have spent. Vibration plates are also called vibration platforms. Benefits attributed to vibration plates/platforms:

Increasing bone density and reducing bone loss Strengthening and toning muscles Increasing vascular circulation and lymph drainage Improvement in postural control and balance reducing the risk of falls and broken bones Low impact exercise to protect joints Contribution to fat loss

In number 6 above, I say 'fat loss' rather than 'weight loss' since muscle weighs more than fat. Therefore fat loss alongside muscle gain may not produce as much weight loss as you would expect. However you will be slimmer if you lose 'inches'. For optimum health results, the vibration platforms should be used in conjunction with some cardiovascular exercise such as walking, swimming and dancing. However I think the advantage of having access to a powerful 10 minute workout in your own home makes this a must have on your fitness wish list.

To move or not to move

When I first got my vibration machine I followed the exercise routine suggested by the makers and experimented with the different speeds available. After a few months I developed my personal routine which combined some simple exercises with the benefits provided by the vibration platform motion. However there is presently a lot of discussion amongst medical, physiotherapy and sports science experts on whether it is safe to move whilst on a vibration platform. My machine's instructions where to remain stationary and maintain specified positions in order to work different parts of the body. Since reading what the experts have to say I decided to go back to the original routine. I think I added a little movement as it all seemed too easy. I will continue to follow the debate - 'To move or not to move,' with interest. Whilst seemingly doing very little work on my machine, I know that my muscles are tensing and relaxing rapidly, my circulation is being aided and my body is having a great workout. My machine is the Crazy Fit Vibration Plate Exercise and Massage Machine. As you know, I highly recommend it but there are also several other machines on the market at great prices and with great reviews.

A Vibration Plate Exercise Machine Is the Best Fitness Equipment I Ever Bought

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Monday, October 31, 2011

The Schwinn Recumbent Exercise Bike

!±8± The Schwinn Recumbent Exercise Bike

The Schwinn recumbent exercise bike is a major part of the Schwinn exercise bike product line. Recumbent bikes have gained in popularity for several reasons and Schwinn has obviously put a lot of work into the design of these bikes.

Recumbent exercise bikes are popular for several reasons. Comfort is one big reasons. Many people find upright bikes uncomfortable, mainly in the seat area. A good recumbent bike has a very comfortable seat that adjusts to anyone. Since you're seated comfortably and pedaling in front of you, there's minimum joint strain and very little pressure on the rider's back either.

Most recumbent bikes have quiet magnetic drives that are all but silent. Combine that quiet with a comfortable seat and you can do several things while you ride. You can read, watch TV or movies and listen to music. Doing something in addition to pedaling is a way to fight boredom. Boredom is one reason many stop using exercise bikes.

There are several different Schwinn recumbent bikes. One of the most popular is the Model 230. The 230 is a mid-price bike though it is one of the most expensive Schwinn models. The drive is magnetic and is virtually silent. The bike has 16 levels of resistance plus 6 preset programs and 10 profile sources. So you have enough workout options to keep you busy. If you want more workout options you can choose the Model 231 which has 23 workout programs.

This Schwinn recumbent exercise bike is made with very low bars joining the front and rear so most anyone can get on the bike. It's just a step through design for seating.

When choosing any exercise bike, first make sure the bike is heavy enough and well built so it won't move around as you ride and eventually come apart. Then make sure the electronics does what you want. Programmable workouts aren't necessary, but workout programs add fun to workouts.

There are many manufacturers of great recumbent exercise bikes, but Schwinn is a leader in value. You can get a lot of bike for the money with a Schwinn.

The Schwinn Recumbent Exercise Bike

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